Service Level Agreement


What You Receive From AP

We’ll listen carefully.

Sometimes it's about hearing about what you don’t want as well as what you do want. Either way, we’re committed to understanding your objectives and talking through how to get you from point A to point B. 

We respect your time and expertise.

Nothing is more annoying than having a strategic partner show up unprepared. We respect your time as well as ours. When we schedule meetings, we’re ready to work and make progress on your project. It also means we silence cell phones and pause notifications so you get our undivided attention.

We’ll suss out known and unknown obstacles. 

When creating frameworks that work -- reducing the friction of information handoffs between teams -- it requires intentional and clear communication. In our work together, we’ll ask questions to determine short-term implications as well as long-term strategies.

We focus on your success.

When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In our case, we use a variety of tools and we figure out which ones are best to solve your problems. While we have tried-and-true frameworks, we also keep an open mind to new solutions. We also create realistic roadmaps and timetables, all crafted with your success in mind. 

We’re responsive communicators.

Prefer Slack over emails? Like Zoom better than WebEx? Technicalities aside, we’ll discuss your communication preferences and meeting cadence upfront. Whenever possible, we respond to you within one business day or less. If we think getting you the right answer will take a bit longer, we’ll let you know that too. No radio silence here.

We use a DevOps framework.

The last thing we want to do is risk current productivity by promoting changes to your live operations that haven’t been tested and QA’d. We use a sandbox to draft, test, and polish updates on a regular cadence. You’ll have a chance to review and officially approve our work before deployment.

What We Need From You

Open the Door.

To best solve your CRM, RevOps, or other operational sticking point, we need to understand your organization, team structure, tools used, and what’s getting in your way. We need your honesty in describing what’s not working and your vision of success. Doing so enables both of us to do our best work.

No Radio Silence.

The speed of business seems to accelerate everyday. We understand shifting priorities. All we ask is that you don’t ghost us. If you’re busy or don’t have an answer, that’s okay. Simply tell us what’s going on and when to expect to hear from you.

An Appetite for Testing or Pilot Programs.

A journey is made up of a series of progressive steps. In our work together, we’ll build trust in the frameworks that are created, re-engineered, and fine-tuned. Keep in mind that RevOps work is often iterative. Even so, we remain steadfast in keeping your business objectives at the forefront. 

Accept that feedback delays translate into deliverable and milestone delays.

While we have many super powers, bending the time-space continuum isn’t one of them. In creating project timelines and deliverable milestones, we schedule reasonable turnaround times for feedback and approvals. When delays happen, it naturally shifts deliverables and milestones downstream. Delays of longer than 3 business days are at risk of causing milestone slippage.

Open to Influence.

Opinions are fine. Needed even. There will be times when our recommendations challenge the opinions you bring to the table. We simply ask that you listen and be open to changing your mind. 

Be supportive of deployment cadences.

Improvements occur more seamlessly and with less hiccups when replicable and consistent deployment schedules are set. You will advocate for and champion expectations and timeframes with stakeholders.