360 Tech Stack Integration


Business Need Research and Requirement Discovery

If you’re a philosophy junkie like us, you may well consider this the process of business transformation using descriptivist and prescriptivist framing. We’ll document your existing structure, existing needs, surface any deliverable gaps, discover ideal business requirements, and provide a detailed roadmap to help get from where you are to where you want to be.

Full Lifecycle CRM/Salesforce Implementation

There’s too much in this one item to really discuss in detail. Suffice it to say, we’re a Registered SFDC Consulting Partner. We do all the things that typical SFDC/CRM companies do... and more. We can use traditional frameworks, riff on ones that apply to your company or create something bespoke.

Business User Enablement

So... you have a system in place. You think. You’re not sure. Certainly, your staff isn’t sure. Maybe it’s comprised of some preexisting tech-stack, process, or workflow. Or, you’ve partnered with an architect to develop one for you. Either way, we’re going to make sure you have the Business User Enablement system in place to ensure everyone is fully in possession of the knowledge and tools required to be as efficient and capable as possible.


You’ve got reps closing deals - but they’re all over the place. The price ranges are wider than Grimhilde’s vibrato. And the discounts being offered would give your CFO nightmares - if they knew about them at all. Relax. We’ll put your revenue ops building blocks into place.

  • Product and Pricebook Definitions

    • Accurately create a quote or proposal with a single source to reference. Your unique SKUs, standard and default information are defined and ready when you need them. 

  • Sales Approval Automation

    • That hypothetical CFO we mentioned earlier? Let’s automate some of those discount, billing, and payment term modification processes to reduce internal friction (not to mention ensuring no rep needs to send another “JK about that deal how about 3x what we had negotiated LOLbutnorly” email ever again).

  • Contract and Quote Process Management

    • Imagine you’ve got an internally green-lit deal in your CRM-of-choice. How would you like to send that to a client through some e-signature solution? Automated follow ups sent? A completion notification that triggers a handoff Post Sales and Finance so that both Billing/Invoicing and Customer Success get looped in along with the client? Now imagine all of that at the push of a single button.